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Devon Rex

Devon Rex

The first impression of a Devon Rex cat is of an impish face and a crinkly coat. The cheeks are wide, the eyes and ears are very large, and set low on the head. The short coat has guard hairs that are wavy but is mostly made up of the undercoat of down hairs. The Devon Rex cat has the characteristic Rex 'Marcel wave', and the fur forms ripples and waves, particularly on the back. The whiskers and eyebrows also curl. The Devon Rex cat breed can be any coat colour or pattern.

The need-to-know
  • Highly active and inquisitive cat
  • Friendly but independent cat
  • Quiet cat
  • Lean and elegant cat breed
  • Requires grooming once a week
  • Hypoallergenic breed
  • Needs some out-door space
  • May require familiarisation before living with children


Devon Rex cats are fondly described as 'little terrors' and 'monkeys in cats' clothing' with antics such as swinging from the curtains and climbing the wallpaper! They are lively and extrovert cats. They have several 'dog-like' qualities, such as a fondness for fetching toys, and can be trained to walk on a harness and lead. They are very gentle and loving cats, and hate to be bored or alone. Visitors to the house may be surprised to find that they are thoroughly investigated by a nosy Devon Rex cat before they have a chance to sit down!

History and Origins

Country of Origin: England (county of Devon)

The Devon Rex cat breed stems from a curly-coated cat found in Devon in 1960. Like the Cornish Rex cat breed, the Devon cat's coat is caused by a recessive gene, and inbreeding was necessary to perpetuate the breed. The Devon cat gene is, however, different to that which curls the coat of the Cornish Rex, and crossing Devon Rex cats and Cornish Rex cats produces litters of straight-coated kittens. The two mutations must have arisen independently, despite arising so close geographically, ie, in Devon and Cornwall. Within 10 years of discovery, the breed was recognised in Britain.

Health and Common Issues

Nutrition and Feeding

Grooming Devon Rex

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