Your Pet, Our Passion.
kitten on lap


7 min read

Getting a kitten is an exciting time. Before bringing home a new kitten, you’ll need to prepare. This guide will tell you about settling in a new kitten, so you can welcome your new companion where they’ll feel right at home! 

Before your new kitten comes home 

Before bringing home a new kitten, here are a few things to get sorted out:

  • Get your new kitten registered with a vet right away for their vaccinations, neutering, and in case they’re unwell.
  • Once you’ve found a vet, ask them about cat insurance policies that will cover any unexpected veterinary costs.
  • Arrange to have your new cat permanently identified with a microchip in case they get lost.

New kitten essentials 

It’s time for fun - shopping for new kitten essentials! Here’s a new kitten checklist: 

  • A secure cat carrier. It comes in a wide range of sizes. Make sure you get one that’s large and comfortable enough. 

  • Two bowls – one for food and one for water. Buy easy-clean ceramic or glass bowls over metal ones as some cats don’t like reflections or shadows in their bowl as they feed or drink. Make sure they’re wide enough for leaning in and lapping from without their whiskers touching the sides, as this can put some cats off. 

  • A litter tray and litter. Best to use the same type used by the breeder or rescue shelter, at least until they’ve settled in, so that they recognise it – and know what to do with it!

  • A litter tray and litter. Best to use the same type used by the breeder or rescue shelter, at least until they’ve settled in, so that they recognise it – and know what to do with it!

  • A cat bed – many prefer an igloo-style bed for snuggly security, or one elevated from the ground

  • Grooming implements, particularly if they’re longhaired.

  • A scratching post made of tree bark or a sisal string-wrapped pole. Scratching helps keep your cats’ claws in good condition and a dedicated post would distract them from damaging your furniture and carpets.

  • A range of cat toys, like soft objects you dangle for them to chase and pounce on. This gives them an outlet for their natural hunting behaviours.

  • Kitten food. Feed your new kitten the same diet they’re used to from their breeder or rescue centre for at least a week. Switch them gradually if you decide to change their food.

The first week – how to settle a kitten

It’s time for bringing your kitten home with you! This is exciting for you, but may be scary for your cat as it’s a new situation for them. It’s best to keep everything calm and gentle, rather than introducing a new kitten to a loud welcome party. 

They’ll be up for plenty of play but will still need their naps. Find them a nice quiet spot where they can curl up in peace.  Everything will be new, challenging and exciting, and a bit overwhelming for your new kitten. They may be a bit withdrawn at first, but they should soon settle in their new home. If they remain reclusive, speak to your vet.

Your kitten’s breeder and vet will be more than happy to give you further advice about your new cat, their health and settling them in their new home. In the meantime, enjoy getting to know them. Have fun with your new furry family member!